Tag Archives: Consumer Insights

from bills to bytes: Australia’s cashless conundrum

In this blog, we continue our exploration of Australia’s transition towards a cashless society. Following on from our previous post, this piece unpacks the human element, using data from the…

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paws for thought: decoding Australian’s pet health spending

Australians love their pets, and it shows in their spending habits. According to the Fifth Quadrant Consumer Tracker, Australian pet owners spend an average of $209 per month on their…

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cashless society: is physical currency gone for good in 2023?

The Australian financial landscape is set for a significant transformation as we increasingly shift away from cash to digital alternatives. According to the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) earlier this…

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Aussies set to spend $10.5 billion on Christmas gifts despite cost-of-living crisis

‘Tis the season to spend! Despite the cost-of-living crisis dominating headlines throughout the year, Christmas cheer and gift giving fever is inspiring Aussies to dig deep into their pockets and…

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