Category Archives: CX

building trust in Australian public services: the road to customer-centricity

Creating a positive and dynamic experience for customers of Australian public service organisations starts with trust. To earn it, public service providers should take a customer-centric approach which puts the…

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BNPL usage ramps up amidst festive season cost-of-living pressures

As the holiday season approaches, Australians find themselves grappling with the delicate balance of festive spending amidst escalating cost-of-living pressures. For many households, the overwhelming concern of managing tighter budgets…

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cost-of-living: are consumers giving up on sustainability?

Australian consumers drastically altered their behaviour during COVID-19, as they were forced to stay at home, and were unable to travel. One benefit of this however was a positive impact…

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internship success: 14 transformative months at fifth quadrant

I started my internship at Fifth Quadrant back in June 2022, and the past fourteen months have been filled with a breadth of experiences that have taught me lifelong lessons…

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taking a digital first approach to government service design

The delivery model for many local, state and federal Government services can create painful experiences for customers and does not always meet their needs or expectations. A digital first approach…

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complete, connected and cloud: the 3 Cs for unlocking your data

Data is an organisation’s most valuable asset in today’s world, but without the means to harness its potential, many organisations are missing out on the opportunities it presents. Understanding how…

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research shows a worrying lack of action towards responsible AI

Australia risks falling behind on Artificial Intelligence (AI), with new research revealing that Australian businesses are slow to develop and use the technology responsibly. Key statistics: Now in its second…

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dealership servicing in a changing world

The world of the automotive dealership is changing. Electric vehicles are driving significant market change, with many OEMs also using this as a trigger to review franchise arrangements or shift…

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customer journey mapping in a post-pandemic world

For a Customer Experience Leader, the number one goal is putting the customer at the centre of everything that the organisation does, through decision making, policy making and product design,…

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