Category Archives: Technology & Telco

Enabling success for tomorrow

the ChatGPT experiment by fifth quadrant

Over the past six months, Fifth Quadrant has embarked on a unique exploration into the awareness and application of ChatGPT amongst Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) across Australia. The graphics…

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digitalising the in-store experience – captivating the customer

The digital experience has become increasingly important for retailers in Australia, as it has the potential to drive revenue growth, increase customer loyalty, and improve operational efficiency. The value of…

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complete, connected and cloud: the 3 Cs for unlocking your data

Data is an organisation’s most valuable asset in today’s world, but without the means to harness its potential, many organisations are missing out on the opportunities it presents. Understanding how…

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research shows a worrying lack of action towards responsible AI

Australia risks falling behind on Artificial Intelligence (AI), with new research revealing that Australian businesses are slow to develop and use the technology responsibly. Key statistics: Now in its second…

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